Greetings from Mondovì: Heatwave


LESLIE MCBRIDE WILE It’s hot here, seems it’s hot most everywhere in the northern hemisphere. Local temperatures haven’t been murderous, nothing above 38 degrees (about 100 Fahrenheit), nothing like reports of 45-plus on Sardegna and Sicily. But uncomfortably warm, the…

Fable Twelve

Fantasy City (Public Domain)

ROGAN WOLF “The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.” WB Yeats Jason the unnamed, Jason the dismantled, lost in his time, having no place, the faded gold on the horns of his goat skin…



SILVIA PIO Get ready to start again, or better, to be reborn. Sharpen your sword and wait, alert and aware, the coming of new challenges. But treat the enemy kindly, be they outside or inside you. Dare to open new…

Frozen Ground


SILVIA PIO The morning they buried her husband, four men had to come and dig because the earth was hard as marble. It had been two days since he died. The sutrau, the sexton, had wanted to wait a bit…

StonyMoon or HoneyMoon?

Visions lunaires

SILVANO GREGOLI I recently witnessed two unusual events. Unusual in themselves, first; then doubly unusual because, although random in nature, they were mysteriously connected. The first event took place in the waiting room of a barbershop in Italy. As I…