Tag Archive for terra

Frozen Ground


SILVIA PIO The morning they buried her husband, four men had to come and dig because the earth was hard as marble. It had been two days since he died. The sutrau, the sexton, had wanted to wait a bit…

The Elements, poems and photos


SILVIA PIO Air Made of air our memories are smuggled from oblivion, a habit of ours. Our thoughts are mysteries of wind wafting with our wandering; a breath of incense, a puff of sky intangible, impossible to quantify. The vital…

Silenzioso scambio

Copertina Silenzioso scambio

SILVIA PIO E ATTILIO IANNIELLO A Silent Echange of poems, a dialogue of verses between the authors. We publish here some of the poems from the first part of the booklet, which is about Time. The other poems about Time…