GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT SMART PHONE In the waiting room sits a large number of travelers. With one notable exception, all of them are busy with a little thing called smart phone that fascinates them all the time. With two thumbs at…
GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT English A poetic In memoriam for those who died untimely of the corona virus UNTIMELY LEAVING When a sun which knows no more dawn dies away in its own light, and the night blots out its stars, snaps the stem,…
GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT (edited by) AS YET UNBORN Oh to be Adam again with all his ribs yearning for a woman as yet unborn, mouth free of the taste of apples, ears without the hiss of snakes, mindless of nakedness and…
GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT (edited by) She wept in the morning She wept at noon She wept in the evening At morning she lost a son At noon she lost another At evening she lost the last of family In the next…