Tag Archive for poetry

Fragility – Kruchość


KRYSTYNA LENKOWSKA Fragility You say that the earth we touch is only a landslide. We walk along the ridge of the tongue where homes grew with a hearth in the heart. We don’t know what happened to them later. Maybe…

Finnegan Awoken

Bruna Bonino-finnegan

RICHARD BERENGARTEN For Alastair Reid Finnegan wakes and walks in briny air. Gulls wheel and gannets dive. The cliffs are bare. The coast is clear. And nobody is there. He’d dreamed a corner of his dream again might touch his…

Another spring, not for everyone

bruna bonino-per-haiku-droogenbroodt

GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT Left in the grey air as unfulfilled desires smoke of cremation * Hankering for dawn but it won’t rise for them corona victims * The blackbirds wonder why the streets are so empty sorrowful their songs * A…

Miracle in Manhattan


GEORGE GÖMÖRI In the whole of New York what I liked best was the tree: that tree with its dense foliage spreading its arms up there on the roof, green and abandoned as the everyday miracle that is the created…

Birthlanding and other poems by Yuan Changming

Photo: Roberto May

YUAN CHANGMING Raging against the Crow in the Park Disguised as a pigeon, you’ve just had Enough food From my palm (& heart); then, you flap high up Beginning to circle above me, ready To flee away only after Shitting…

Emily’s room


ANNA STELLA SCERBO Emily Dickinson lived on poetry, poetry was her Pole star, her only reason to live. In mid 19th century Massachusetts, education had hard puritan rules. Emily suffered from that situation but claimed and got freedom without striking…

Letters Flying from the Page


BILL LEWIS Syzygy The book opens. The mind opens. They recognise Each other as Brother and sister. The mind reads The book as the Book searches The mind for their Lost sibling: The heart. Abraxas The curtain is torn The…