EMILY DICKINSON In the Italian page Gabriella Mongardi analyzes Emily Dickinson’s poems focusing on the element ‘water’. Here are the poems quoted in her article. 107 ‘Twas such a little – little boat That toddled down the bay! ‘Twas such…
SILVANO GREGOLI I recently witnessed two unusual events. Unusual in themselves, first; then doubly unusual because, although random in nature, they were mysteriously connected. The first event took place in the waiting room of a barbershop in Italy. As I…
“Two thousand Italian partisans took the city of Alba on October 10, 1944, and two hundred lost it to the Fascists on November 2.” Beppe Fenoglio was among them, but he wrote this book in a scandalous (for the times)…
SILVANO GREGOLI Exactly sixty years ago, on the morning of February 15, 1961, a total solar eclipse in Italy affected southern Piedmont, Liguria, part of Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany, northern Lazio, Umbria, Marche and Abruzzo. To find another total solar eclipse in…
Today Emily Dickinson turns 190. EMILY DICKINSON 1488 Birthday of but a single pang That there are less to come – Afflictive is the Adjective But affluent the doom – *** 903 I hide myself – within my flower, That…
SILVIA PIO In the glory of the airy noon like a swallow gliding in the lane of life, this light has a sly shadow. In the stillness of the dusk between the unknowable and the sky, this blue is an…