41 search results for "Berengarten"


copertina n 117

CLAUDIA AZZOLA Issue No. 11 of the Traduzionetradizione journals - Editorial The present issue falls into two subjects: poetry and prose, the prose fiction of established nomenclature, presenting two extracts out of novels which outdo the plot and realism, and root in…



This left hand of mine now packing this page with script and this right hand steadying the same page’s edge together reach out to your hands that hold and turn the same copy in another time entirely your own or…

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La valigia di Hermes (The Suitcase of Hermes): Literature In his metaphorical suitcase, the herald of the gods (and protector of esoteric knowledge) stores fiction and poetry works as well as critical essays and book reviews. In 2018 The Suitcase…

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Editors: Gabriella Mongardi, Silvia Pio Illustator: Franco Blandino Former editors: Gianni Bava, Paolo Bessé, Lorenzo Barberis, Laura Blengino, Michele Ghibaudo, Jolanda Moletta, Franco Russo. Collaborations from: Luca Ariano Lorenzo Avico (photographer) Giancarlo Baroni Umberto Beccaria Bruna Bonino (photographer) Carla Buranello Stefano…