So Cold this Morning

foto di Brian Baker

FRANCES FAHY Seven chimes of the Cathedral bell. Faster! She reaches HighBridge. Nobody around. She leaves bag and note near the Bridge Newsagent’s kiosk. Mum’s souvenirs. She grips the phone and climbs onto the bridge. Tried telling you, Mum! You’re blind!…

An Art Show in Mondovì

P1130251 (Copia)

LORENZO BARBERIS. Abstract: an article about the Art & Crafts Exhibition of Mondovì, year 45. The exhibition included the following attractions: Ceramic art exhibitions. Carnival sculptures. Ceramic Art by Persea. Ceramic art by Lolletti and Angiuoni. Anne Desmet engravings. Engravings…

Work Wide Shut


MARGUTTE. Article about “The Work Wide Shut”, an artistic tribute for the 50 years of “The Open Work” (“Opera Aperta”, 1962) by Umberto Eco. Four artist recreate four artistic projects, four reflections about open / closed work, starting from a…

Raidi(ng) Report


LORENZO BARBERIS. Article about the art exhibition of the artist Raidi, realized by the cultural association “Il Borgheletto”. (photos by Lorenzo Barberis) Sitography: Raidi on “Il Borgheletto” Raidi on “Targato CN” Raidi on Facebook