Monthly Archives: Thursday January 14th, 2021

Greetings from Mondovì: A Proper Winter


LESLIE MCBRIDE WILE 13 January 2021 We’re having a proper winter, snowy and cold, the kind we haven’t seen for a couple of years.  The landscape is just as it should be—snow-covered hills, bare branches—a perfect study in black on…

Crumbs of Truth (in a story set in Calabria)

frances fahy

FRANCES FAHY The procession of events and people that we term History is, in theory, a defined time, winding steadily away from us back to an unidentified, misty curiosity known as Prehistory. How difficult it is to grasp this ‘defined’…

Greetings from Mondovì: December 2020


LESLIE MCBRIDE WILE I could quote Sweet Baby James to tell you about the first of December, go on to describe the hush and sweep of falling snow, how it dropped a curtain between house and valley and filled our…