Monthly Archives: Tuesday September 27th, 2016

Parade of Poems

Bruna Bonino

GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT (edited by) A Gentle Breeze from the East Seductive as poppy pours dawn its red over the lake a pleasure for the eye. A lukewarm wind from the East caresses gently the surface of the water causing a…

The Invisible Light

Ron Rosenstock, Sunset at Sheeffrey, Co. Mayo, Ireland, 1986 - The Culturium

RON ROSENSTOCK A meaningful photograph is not a photo of something but is something in itself. A photograph that is only its subject matter is seen and quickly reduced to a memory of the particular subject. A meaningful photograph is so much more. As with a meditative and creative…

Ewan Mac Coll


Dirty Old Town I found my love where the gaslight falls Dreamed a dream by the old canal Kissed my girl by the factory wall Dirty old town, dirty old town Clouds are drifting across the moon Cats are prowling…

Rocks ring with laughter


Or, to be more precise, I am afraid of Muslims WAQAS KHWAJA I am afraid of Muslims I am afraid of Muslims Christians unnerve and alarm me Jews fill me with dread I fear Hindus I am terrified of Gautama’s followers…

Jagdish Prakash, a Natural Poet

A tempest in SilenceCover

«Jagdish Prakash is a natural poet. His poetry flows from the heart and weave images that express experienced reality.» Thus writes Neena Sood, in the Editor’s Note of A Tempest in Silence, Prakash’s poetry book in English published in 2015,…

Greetings from Mondovì: Fireworks

Fuochi_Artificio_2010 (11)

LESLIE MCBRIDE WILE Siamo in Italia!  It means We are in Italy!, and people here often say this to us when they cannot explain some bureaucratic tangle or incomprehensible administrative regulation.  With a characteristic gesture that is half-shrug, half-surrender, they let…

Setting fire to words


There is fire in poetry RICHARD BERENGARTEN Still and on May this work move on, and on its winding way and these words hold well together and, in their time wherever they carry, together hold constant at all points on…