Calliope’s Voice

Augustin Doing Life


ROGAN WOLF Like his better-known brother Maximilien, Augustin Robespierre was a prominent figure in the French Revolution. When Maximilien was arrested, Augustin insisted on being arrested with him and the brothers were guillotined on the same day, each having tried to…

Angelic Flights


GABRIEL ROSENSTOCK 1. buried in the mind . . . ancient truths 2. even in darkness the endless song of the Self 3. a leaf falls in the mind . . . ‘mother!’ 4. our daily little pilgrimages . .…

International Poetry Day


SILVIA PIO In the glory of the airy noon like a swallow gliding in the lane of life, this light has a sly shadow. In the stillness of the dusk between the unknowable and the sky, this blue is an…

The Ageing Anchoress

Julian of Norwich, as depicted in the church of Ss Andrew and Mary, Langham, Norfolk. From Wikipedia

ROGAN WOLF Anchorites were a phenomenom of the fourteenth century, not just in England but across Christian Europe. Women joined the movement as well as men, and were called anchoresses. The most famous person to adopt that life was called…

Lucy Hamilton’s Tree


LUCY HAMILTON Rings In memory of my father, John Plowright A tree is thick − or thin – skinned, its sap carries sugar to leaves, feeds new cells, infuses roots with energy and the cambium – almost invisible – is…

Trees generating trees


CLAUDIA AZZOLA The Trees No free playing on language, nor words stretched to extremes or any reference will suffice to tell the layers of the stony, crusty greenery of mountain trees, exposed to the blast, the precipitate of the wind,…