Calliope’s Voice

Readers’ contributions and greetings from Margutte

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Here are some of the poetic contributions we have received. Happy New Year to all readers! From Mario Urbanet, France EN GUISE DE VŒUX POUR 2014 le poète relut ad alte voce son dernier vers il eut la conviction…

In memory of Sylvia Plath

picture by Marilena Morano

Two poems by Sylvia Plath (1932-1963), in memoriam Mirror I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions. What ever you see I swallow immediately Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike. I am not cruel, only truthful…

The prisons of Narcissus


ABSTRACT GIANNI BAVA writes about Attilio Ianniello’s poetry booklet “Narciso”, published in 1978. Bava had designed the cover and illustrated some of the copies. See the Italian section for the pdf of the booklet and some pictures inspired by “Narciso”.

Silenzioso scambio

Copertina Silenzioso scambio

SILVIA PIO E ATTILIO IANNIELLO A Silent Echange of poems, a dialogue of verses between the authors. We publish here some of the poems from the first part of the booklet, which is about Time. The other poems about Time…

I Figli di Mondovì

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JOHN I. CLARKE These two boys who appear in the doorway of the Café Bertaina, scamper between tables like untrained pups before their sisters, older, wiser at eight and almost ten; they who let curls tumble to their shoulders and…

Fin-Negans Wakefield


Wakefield, North Yorkshire, and Mondovì, South Piedmont, twinning in a poetic exchange. The Red Shed Poets, Jimmy Andrex and John Clarke, and the Margutte poets Attilio Ianniello, Gabriella Mongardi and Silvia Pio, together with the Monregalese poets Alessandro Dattola and…

An Interview with John Irving Clarke


SILVIA PIO talks to the British poet: Question: John I. Clarke, writer, poet, retired teacher. What else? Reading is intrinsic to all of the above. It is not possible to write poetry and not read what others have written and…