The Albero Project

Haiku & Trees


GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT Released from the tree a whirling down autumn leaf trip with no return Slowly branch by branch breaking out of the vapour the green of the pines Tree on a hilltop with branches spread like wishes to embrace…

The Apricot Tree


SILVIA PIO I once said the apricot tree was my home because I preferred its clamorous leaves to the silence sounding the old walls. When autumn began to confine me inside I would look to the tree as one looks…

Festival of Trees


RICHARD BERENGARTEN The ‘planting’ of Richard Berengarten’s chant-poem TREE in Margutte, together with translations into other languages, marks the beginning of an ambitious poetry publishing project that has strong ecological relevance and resonances. This roots potentially wide-reaching international prospects and…

The Albero Project


RICHARD BERENGARTEN I wrote Tree in Cambridge, 1979, at the age of thirty-five. Much of the poem’s direct inspiration came from Ann Waldman’s chant-poem, Fast Speaking Woman,[1] which she based in large part on her researches into women’s customs in…

Concerning “Tree”: Twelve Propositions


RICHARD BERENGARTEN Twelve propositions [1] 1.             TREE is a chant poem that sings the tree. As a tree itself is a harp that plays itself by itself in and on the wind, so TREE plays on and along the human voice…

“Tree” by Richard Berengarten


STEFANO MARIA CASELLA An essay on Tree by Richard Berengarten (Photo: Fiorenzo Calosso) Related articles: The Albero Project (Richard Berengarten’s Introduction) A Forest of Trees (versions in different languages) Concerning “Tree”: Twelve Propositions A Dendrology: Twelve Propositions For more articles…