Tag Archive for Satish Gupta

Germain Droogenbroodt’s The Road of Being


GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT SMART PHONE In the waiting room sits a large number of travelers. With one notable exception, all of them are busy with a little thing called smart phone that fascinates them all the time. With two thumbs at…

Dewdrops, the long road towards the shortness of haiku


SILVIA PIO (edited by) Dewdrops, 100 haiku by Germain Droogenbrood in Japanese English Spanish and Dutch with illustrations by Satish Gupta and calligraphy by Taeku Uemura. Spanish editing Rafael Carcelén, English editing Stanley H. Barkan, Japanese by Taeko Uemura –…

Unsinkable little poems


Satish Gupta’s poems and drawings Water hardens into ice – a little warmth and it melts Our love solid as a rock, -but the stones are cold Passion does not drown desire Desire is unsinkable The master said, I haven’t…

Parade of Poems

Scultura monumentale di Satish Gupta in copertina della raccolta poetica Dewdrops di Germain Droogenbrood

GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT (edited by) Four haiku and a sculpture by Satish Gupta, India From the Bo tree a golden leaf floats down – meditating in mid air Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka *** Water flowing, no time to pass judgment on uneven…