The suitcase of Hermes

Water Poems by Emily Dickinson

foto di Roberto May

EMILY DICKINSON In the Italian page Gabriella Mongardi analyzes Emily Dickinson’s poems focusing on the element ‘water’. Here are the poems quoted in her article. 107 ‘Twas such a little – little boat That toddled down the bay! ‘Twas such…

Fable Twelve

Fantasy City (Public Domain)

ROGAN WOLF “The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.” WB Yeats Jason the unnamed, Jason the dismantled, lost in his time, having no place, the faded gold on the horns of his goat skin…

The Invisible City


  GABRIELLA MONGARDI. Abstract: an article of Gabriella Mongardi about the city of Mondovì, compared to the “Invisible Cities” of Italo Calvino. Illustration by Lorenzo Barberis. Photo by Gabriella Mongardi