The suitcase of Hermes

Fable Twelve

Fantasy City (Public Domain)

ROGAN WOLF “The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.” WB Yeats Jason the unnamed, Jason the dismantled, lost in his time, having no place, the faded gold on the horns of his goat skin…

The Invisible City


  GABRIELLA MONGARDI. Abstract: an article of Gabriella Mongardi about the city of Mondovì, compared to the “Invisible Cities” of Italo Calvino. Illustration by Lorenzo Barberis. Photo by Gabriella Mongardi  

Why do the English love Keats so?

Isabella and the Pot of Basil by William Holman Hunt, 1868 (Public Domain)

MULTIPLE AUTHORS The year 2021 is not just the anniversary of Dante’s death 700 years ago but also that of Keats 200 years ago. Fitting therefore to reflect on his life and poetry. The key question is why Keats holds…