Tag Archive for Covid-19

Greetings from Mondovì: High Anxiety


LESLIE MCBRIDE WILE 17 March I realized yesterday that going to the supermarket makes me feel anxious. Going indoors almost anywhere except home makes my heart beat faster, my breath go tight and shallow. So I decide I won’t go…

Greetings from Mondovì: Tutto andrà bene


LESLIE MCBRIDE WILE 16 March By now many of you will have seen online video of Italians singing on their balconies; playing violins, guitars, accordions, electric pianos; banging pans; anything to express their solidarity, defiance and hope and determination to…

Greetings from Mondovì: A New Normal


LESLIE MCBRIDE WILE 12 March 2020 I’m wondering whether to go to my regular massage appointment this afternoon, whether to cancel having my teeth cleaned tomorrow morning.  I can easily print the proper permit to show the carabinieri when I…

Greetings from Mondovì: Zona Rossa


LESLIE MCBRIDE WILE Suddenly we’re all in la zona rossa—the red zone—together.  The Italian government has taken the extraordinary measure of restricting movement of people throughout the country.  Permits to travel between towns are available online, from law enforcement, and (so…