Monthly Archives: Friday March 13th, 2020

Sitting by the Harbour


JOHN IRVING CLARKE Every hour, as regular as the muezzin calling the faithful, the ferry rumbles in a wide arc across the bay. The engines grumble and the propellers expel a wash which slops loudly against the quayside walls. The…

Greetings from Mondovì: A New Normal


LESLIE MCBRIDE WILE 12 March 2020 I’m wondering whether to go to my regular massage appointment this afternoon, whether to cancel having my teeth cleaned tomorrow morning.  I can easily print the proper permit to show the carabinieri when I…

Greetings from Mondovì: Zona Rossa


LESLIE MCBRIDE WILE Suddenly we’re all in la zona rossa—the red zone—together.  The Italian government has taken the extraordinary measure of restricting movement of people throughout the country.  Permits to travel between towns are available online, from law enforcement, and (so…

Poetry on Prescription


SILVIA PIO (edited by) There was an old woman called Deb who had a crazy idea in her head to hear people’s ills without giving pills but give them poems instead Deborah Alma travels around British fairs and festivals in…